I truly feel as though I am standing on the shoulders of giants. I have supportive team members and an administration that has always believed in me and pushed me to become the teacher I am today. Being recognized for doing something you love and were meant to do is an honor beyond measure. Every day my students and my own children remind me of the joy of learning and discovery. As Gandhi suggested, they help me be the change I wish to see in the world.

Angela Gospodarek Raymond, NH | 7-12, Science, 2009

The official biography below was current at the time of the award.

Angela Gospodarek has taught seventh grade Life Science at Iber Holmes Gove Middle School for 7 years. Previously, following a dream to be a biologist, she spent a number of years as a marine scientist and regularly interacted with the public through outreach programs. She soon learned she was an effective communicator and loved to educate children, so she decided to change her career and bring her wonder and love of science to the classroom. Angela is dedicated to a teaching style that encourages students to discover science through hands-on experience. Angela’s classroom is a unique mix of “critter” tanks and technology. Students in her class thrive on diverse opportunities, such as wading through chest-high water to collect fish, caring for exotic lizards, dissecting specimens such as squid, and preparing presentations on interactive whiteboards. Angela shares her knowledge through after-school workshops that are attended by teachers throughout the district. She is a member of the Technology Committee and a grade-level leader. Angela has a B.S. in Marine Biology with a minor in Chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and an M.S. in Ecology from the University of Connecticut. She is certified in middle school and high school biology.

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