I am honored to receive this award. It means an achievement professionally and personally in my years as an educator. This award is the satisfaction of 22 years of hard work teaching technology to all my students. To see the final product of a child’s project is one of the greatest accomplishment that I can experience. This award is like the collective fruits of our labor.

Arlene Vilá Rio Piedras, PR | K-6, Science, 2018

The official biography below was current at the time of the award.

Arlene Vilá has been an educator for more than 20 years and has spent the last 22 years teaching technology to kindergarten through eighth grade students at the Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. Arlene likes to innovate in class and creates unique projects for her students. As much as possible, she involves parents in creating these projects. Arlene engages students in the area of health by preparing research on the importance of good habits in nutrition and exercise to obtain a healthier way of life. Her class prepares a video project in which they demonstrate their knowledge and understanding on this specific topic. During the school year, Arlene teaches the use of new technological tools to her colleagues in order to help them in their own teaching. Arlene is member of the Parents Teacher Association and STEM Association. She also belongs to the organizing committee of her school's 5K and international dinner. She has participated in NASA field trips with students during summer. Arlene earned a B.A. in education and a M.A. in Computing Education from Interamericana University. She is a certified kindergarten through eighth grade elementary education computer and STEM teacher.

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