I have the privilege of making a difference in the lives of my students each day. The Presidential Award is an acknowledgement of my genuine commitment to each of my students as well as my dedication to improving science education for all. I am grateful to all who have inspired me to continue learning and growing as an educator, and I share this recognition with the students, families, friends, and colleagues that have shaped me into the educator that I am. I look forward to what lies ahead!

Aimee Park Lisle, IL | K-6, Science, 2018

The official biography below was current at the time of the award.

Aimee Park has been an educator for 18 years and has spent her career at Lisle Junior High School where she has welcomed sixth graders to the world of middle school science. Throughout this journey, she has advocated for her students at both the state and national levels through a variety of projects focused on bringing the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) to life for all students. Aimee has worked to inspire in her students a lifelong love of learning and a passion to explore the world around them as scientists. Aimee cultivates a child’s natural curiosity and supports students as they develop their innate ability to discover and problem solve. Aimee has developed professional learning at the regional, state, and national level with the onset of the NGSS. The Next Generation Science Storylines project has been the most influential to her practice. She is currently facilitating the development of elementary and middle school storylines with a cohort of teachers at West 40 Intermediate Service Center and serves as President of the Illinois Science Teachers Association. Aimee earned a B.S. in biology from Loyola University, Chicago—and a M.Ed. in educational leadership from Benedictine University. She is a certified middle and high school educator for both English language learning and science education. She is a National Board Certified Early Adolescence Science Teacher.

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